Intent – Rationale, Ambition and Concepts
In the Orchard Primary School, our ultimate aims for reading are that every child will learn to read, regardless of any barriers.
- That reading is at the core of all curriculum areas.
- That all our pupils develop into confident, enthusiastic and independent readers, who are able to read widely and develop understanding across a range of genres.
- All children to acquire the (phonetic) skills needed to access books and the wider curriculum through the application of phonics to reading through ‘Little Wandle’.
- To develop a love of reading (to, for and with), To enable them to ‘know more, remember more and understand more’ about themselves and the world they live in and that this passion continues throughout their lives.
- All children are exposed to new vocab through a variety of texts, genres and explicitly taught lessons. Our pupils will develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information.
- All our pupils to acquire a wide vocabulary and an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language.
We believe all children should be fluent readers, who acquire a language rich vocabulary. In order to nurture and grow ‘the complete reader’ we aspire for all our pupils to appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage.